
Tracking humans in-the-wild: The development and applications of computer vision techniques for both Proactive and Passive safety

20 March 2025 11:30-12:45
SAFER, Lindholmen Science Park, Lindholmspiren 3A room Aldman or online (Teams)

Welcome to learn from Kevin Gildea from Lund University at this SAFER lunch seminar!

VRU falls comprise a significant portion of serious injuries in road traffic, yet historically these incidents have been neglected as part of the road safety problem. Sweden has set an ambitious goal to reduce these injury rates by 25% by 2030. Achieving this will require both proactive measures to reduce the occurrence of falls and passive interventions to mitigate their severity.

Kevin Gildea from Lund UniversityDr. Kevin Gildea is a researcher at Lund University with expertise in computer vision, computational modeling, and injury biomechanics, focusing on improving safety for VRUs.

Kevin will share findings from a SAFER-connected Trafikverket-funded project SMoS4SBC focused on developing techniques to identify the kinematic and dynamic precursors to falls from video footage, providing a foundation for developing proactive safety measures and reducing single bicycle crashes. 

Computational HBMs predict injury risks and inform passive safety interventions, relying heavily on initial conditions like pose and motion. However, standard practices often use fictive or generic conditions. Considering natural human actions and reactions is important, particularly for evaluating passive safety in VRU falls.

Kevin will present the KinePose framework, under development as part of a SAFER pre-study, which uses computer vision, deep learning, and inverse kinematics techniques to extract biomechanically relevant HBM-specific motion data from real-world video sources. The framework is comprised of a modular suite of Windows applications which allow the user to capture and set realistic initial conditions and active responses in HBMs.

Practical Information

SAFER Thursday lunch seminars are held both at the SAFER office, Lindholmspiren 3A (second floor), and online via Microsoft Teams. 

Lunch seminar bild

  • In-person attendance: Lunch will be provided at the SAFER office, Lindholmen Science Park, starting at 11:30 AM. The seminar will then be held in a hybrid format from 12:00 to 12:45 PM. Registration is required for lunch. Please register for lunch by 12:00 PM on the Tuesday before the seminar. 


  • Online attendance: No registration is needed. Simply join via the Microsoft Teams link sent to all SAFER partners ahead of the event. The seminar is held in a hybrid format from 12:00 to 12:45 PM.

    Questions?: Get in touch with our office manager Sophia Guerra Ekesand: ekesand@chalmers.se

This event is open to all SAFER partners. Welcome!



Sophia Guerra Ekesand
ekesand [at] chalmers.se
SAFER Thursday lunch seminar