
Traffic safety footprint – a new tool for corporate responsibility driving radical change in traffic safety towards 2030

27 June 2023 07:45-09:15
Clarion Hotel Sign, Östra Järnvägsgatan 35, Stockholm

It has now been three years since the global ministerial UN conference on road safety in Stockholm and the launch of the nine recommendations in the publication Saving lives beyond 2020 - the next steps. We would like to invite you to an event where we jointly focus on recommendation to implement traffic safety footprint as a tool to improve road safety, globally.

Together, we will explore what we have learned during this three-year period and which actions we need to take to implement the new tool for corporate responsibility on a broader basis. Which obstacles have we found and how can we transform these into driving forces?

In the discussions, we will also learn from experts on how to create a pull from the market to request corporate responsibility reporting from other domains.

The goal of the event is to learn from each other jointly identify important activities to help support that organisations’ road safety footprint is requested by the market - and thus more easily implemented and the intended benefits created.

Target group: Leading organisations working with traffic safety footprint in practice and would like to share their experience and learn from others to accelerate with implementation. We are looking for organisations identified as key actors to reach the 2030 traffic safety goal. 

Registration: Have you been working with the traffic safety footprint concept in depth and would like to discuss with like minded and learn more - then you are the dialogue partners we are looking for! Come back to us for registration: malin.levin@chalmers.se

Preliminary agenda

From 07:30: Breakfast served

07:50 Short intro to the dialogue by Magnus Granström, SAFER’s director

Summarising the main conclusions from the main conference

08:00 Inspo talk by Jennie Edvardsson, Sustainable Transport Business Manager at Scania - Jennie will give examples of important steps to successfully implement a global sustainability agenda, using climate impact as an example.

08:15 Discussion topics:

  • Driving forces to bring the traffic safety footprint concept to organisations' corporate responsibility agendas
  • Obstacles and barriers we need to remove
  • Possible actions to gain momentum

09:00 Summary of the conclusions

09:15 End of event


Malin Levin
malin.levin [at] chalmers.se