
Unique collaboration for better prehospital care

Apr, 24 2015

ICT Arena is a neutral arena for innovation and knowledge-sharing in prehospital medical care. The aim is to remove the obstacles that prevent IT and eHealth from being utilized and developed to their full potential in , for example, ambulance care. "We were driven by a vision that a new form of collaboration was needed between healthcare services, industry and academy to develop the area in the best possible manner", says Bengt Arne Sjöqvist.

Healthcare of the future is facing major challenges. An aging population and new work methods are making it more important than ever for technical solutions to be utilized in healthcare. A unique collaboration is set to enable the optimal utilization of IT and eHealth in prehospital care, such as for example, ambulance medical care. Together with healthcare services, industry and academy, Lindholmen Science Park is initiating a collaboration, the Prehospital ICT Arena.

“Lindholmen Science Park has extensive experience in building up this type of open arena to generate strong collaboration. It is a combination of IT and healthcare that will create unique opportunities for innovation for both the industry and healthcare. It will generate the prerequisites to meet healthcare challenges and provide even better care,” says Marika Hellqvist Greberg of the Regional Development Secretariat at Västra Götaland Region, which is financing the effort.

Prehospital ICT Arena is an open, neutral arena for innovation and knowledge-sharing in prehospital medical care. The aim is to remove the obstacles that prevent IT and eHealth from being utilized and developed to their full potential in, for example, ambulance care. eHealth entails using modern information technology in healthcare to increase the quality of care, patient safety and availability. It may involve technology used by the patient or the healthcare service for diagnosis, selection of treatment, documentation, planning or follow-ups.

“This type of cross-border cooperation is valuable to us as a national and international supplier of mobile solutions for prehospital healthcare. This means that we are able to understand the short and long-term objectives of the healthcare services and become even better at developing innovative products and solutions that correspond to the requirements of our customers,” says Carl Ekvall, President of Ortivus, one of the companies participating in the arena’s efforts.

The Prehospital ICT Arena is run by Lindholmen Science Park in a unique cooperation with some 30 organizations from the healthcare services sector, academy and industry. The arena is the result of various projects initiated in 2012.

“When we started the projects that have now resulted in the Prehospital ICT Arena, we were driven by a vision that a new form of collaboration was needed between healthcare services, industry and academy to develop the area in the best possible manner. This in turn is based on extensive experience in development work and innovation in eHealth and prehospital care,” says Bengt Arne Sjöqvist, Professor in Healthcare Informatics at Chalmers and Programme Manager for Prehospital ICT Arena. Bengt Arne Sjöqvist is also leader for reference group Post-Crash at SAFER.

The arena is financed by Västra Götaland Region and investments from the arena’s stakeholders.

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