Valuable knowledge sharing at the Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety
For the second time, SAFER has been co-hosting the Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety (SCSSS) together with KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology and Addalot. More than 100 experts from almost 30 different companies and organisations gathered at Lindholmen Science Park in Gothenburg for two days in November to take part in the conference and learn about the latest trends and developments in system safety research. The conference aimed to inspire, grow knowledge and increase networking through gathering experts from both industry and university to discuss techniques and methods for developing complex and safety regulated software-based systems. The research question of how we can ensure that self-driving vehicles are safe and contribute to a sustainable transport system is an extremely important issue for our research community and we see great opportunities to connect to these expertise and field of research even more.
Presentations from the event are available, see documents to the right.