
UnEye - Un-identification of Eye tracker video

1 January 2009–1 January 2010
Project manager
John-Fredrik Grönvall

The project aims at solving problems concerning saving information about a driver’s head- and eye movement, as well as facial expressions, without intruding on the personal integrity and without breaking the Privacy Protection Law (personuppgiftslagen, PUL). This is done by de-identifying recorded video sequences of driver faces, and de-coding these into a FACS-code. The FACS-code describes the internal position and tension of the facial muscles, and can be used to describe facial expressions. Subsequently, it will be possible to recreate a generic “phantom face” from these codes, where the facial expressions are maintained, but the identity has been removed. In this way, important driver information can be saved without breaking the Privacy Protection Law.

Short facts

Research area
Safety performance evaluation

Volvo Car Corporation, Smart Eye, AB Volvo, Räven Produktion AB, Chalmers

Project type