AI Enhanced Mobility - final event
We invite you to the final conference of the AI Enhanced Mobility project to share the results of the feasibility studies generated through the project. In addition to presenting the results of the feasibility studies, we have invited some of the best experts on AI to hear more about where we stand today and what challenges in AI we face for the future, and how we can accelerate a positive development.
AI Enhanced Mobility is a Drive Sweden/Vinnova-funded collaboration project between SAFER, AI Sweden, Malmö University, University of Borås and CLOSER.
For one and a half years, 31 partners have worked together in different focus groups to identify needs, build knowledge and generate joint feasibility studies. The project has financed a number of these feasibility studies within the three focus groups; efficient freight transport, traffic safety and public transport.
During the conference we will discuss the possibilities of AI in the future, with time for questions and reflections from the participants.
The conference will be wrapped up with a networking lunch.
We encourage you to participate at the Digilog focus meeting that will take place in the same room and with the same link right after the networking lunch! We will then further dig into generative AI and how to utilise possiblities that AI can create.
09:00 Welcome
09:05 Trends in AI with focus on Mobility
Helena Theander, head of operations Data Factory at AI Sweden
Helena will kick off the day with an introduction to the recent trends in AI and show us some concrete examples of the use of AI within the mobility domain.
09:25 AI Enhanced Mobility
Ulrika Holmgren, CLOSER
09:35 Findings from the focus groups and pre study results: Traffic Safety
Malin Levin, SAFER
- Improve traffic safety through advanced and automatic driving evaluations using AI and eye tracking (Örebro University)
- Recognition of Vulnarable Road Users (Rise, Univrses, Viscando)
- Safe inclusive traffic infrastructure: data and AI for decision making “SINTIA”, (Viscando, Jönköping University)
- AI-based real-time distributed traffic risk assessment (Högskolan Skövde, Volvo cars, Smart Eye)
10:10 Findings from the focus groups and pre study results: Public Transport
Paul Davidsson, Malmö Universitet
- Prediktering av störning i kollektivtrafiken (TheTrainBrain, Västtrafik, Rise, MAU)
- Proaktiv störningsinformation till resenärer i kollektivtrafiken, (Commuter Computing, Malmö universitet)
10:30 Findings from the focus groups and pre study results: Efficient freight transport
Ulrika Holmgren, CLOSER
- Datadrivet beslutsstöd för lokalisering av upphämtningsplatser (LIU, iBoxen, Schenker)
- 3D&AI för en säkrare, smartare och effektivare lasthantering i terminaler “TRASSEL” (Viscando, DB Schenker)
10:50 Coffee break
11:10 Reflections and discussion
Per Olof Arnäs, CLOSER / Digilog
Anna Kristiansson, CLOSER
Jonas Weidringer, Högskolan Borås
Paul Davidsson, Malmö Universitet
11:50 Wrap-up and way forward
12:00 Networking lunch
13:00 – 15:00 DIGILOG focus meeting: Generative AI and how to utilise possiblities that AI can create
13.00 - Welcome, Ulrika Holmgren & PO Arnäs, CLOSER
13.10 - ProFlow + Care Of Carl, Jonas Waidringer, Högskolan i Borås
13.40 - AI generates new capabilities, but why is it so challenging to implement?
Jonas Järnfeldt, The Train Brain
14.10 - Open discussion, modererated by PO Arnäs & Ulrika Holmgren, CLOSER
14.50 - Summary and conclusion, PO Arnäs & Ulrika Holmgren, CLOSER