
Erik Brynskog’s dissertation - “Advancing Pelvis Computational Models for Automotive Safety Assessment”

21 March 2025 13:00-16:00
Chalmers Johanneberg – room to be announced or Teams

Welcome to join Erik Brynskog’s dissertation with the title “Advancing Pelvis Computational Models for Automotive Safety Assessment”!

Erik is a Doctoral student at the Division of Vehicle Safety at the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences at Chalmers University of technology. Erik Brynskog is a PhD student at the Injury Prevention Group within the Division of Vehicle Safety. Erik’s research is focused on human body computational modelling to enable injury predictions from car crashes. The research is mainly carried out using computer simulations with vehicle and human body models where the models are calibrated and validated towards experimental data. The goal of the research is to produce human body models which can predict the effect of new countermeasures, in terms of saved lives/reduced harm, before the system is on the market. Erik has been working in various SAFER HBM projects, e.g. Future Occupant Safety for Crashes in Cars (OSCCAR).

Opponent will be Senior Scientist Bronislaw Gepner, Center for Applied Biomechanics at University of Virginia in Charlottesville, USA. 

Examiner is Professor Robert Thomson, Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences, Chalmers University.

Supervisors are Johan Davidsson, Johan Iraeus and Bengt Pipkorn. 

For online participation -use the online here with password: Hc72nm6g

Link to the thesis: To be included. 

Abstract: To be included. 



Johan Davidsson
johan.davidsson [at] chalmers.se