Lunch party and final event SAFER Stage 5: A half-decade of traffic research insights
Join us for the SAFER Stage 5 Final event - a lunch party - where we will unveil the outcomes of five years of groundbreaking traffic safety research. Experience our research findings during a leisurely lunch with an interactive exhibition, offering you an opportunity to meet our dedicated partners and researchers and learn about the main research results from this phase.
11:30 Doors open
11:30 Networking & welcome drinks
11:45 Speeches
12:00 Snapshot presentations of SAFER’s project, its benefits to SAFER's partners and impact on society. Walk-around to meet our researchers and more in-depth information. Lunch and drinks will be served.
13:30 End of event
You will meet teams transferring knowledge about these SAFER partners’ projects and initiatives:
- ADOPTIVE - Application for Automated Design & Optimization of Vehicle Ergonomics, Erik Brolin, University of Skövde
- CAE for Safety, Stelios Seita, Jesper Bäcklund, BETA CAE Nordic
- SAFER HBM V11 & 3D VR Experience: Discover SAFER HBM V11 and its features at our Stage 5 exhibit, including an immersive 3D VR session, Jonas Östh, Volvo Cars, Johan Iraeus, Chalmers University, Karl-Johan Larsson and Bengt Pipkorn, Autoliv
- AI Aware, AI Powered Awareness for Traffic Safety, Martin Ivarson, Volvo Cars
- Dataset Presentation: Display of the "Safety-driven Data Labelling Platform to Enable Safe and Responsible AI" project dataset, Samuel Scheidegger and Jörg Bakker, Asymptotic AI
- Göteborgs Stad: Trafiksäkerhet i en stad som snabbt växer. När Göteborg utvecklas med målet om en hållbar stad händer mycket – hur hittar vi lösningarna för framtidens trafiksäkra stad?, Suzanne Falk and Magnus Brink, Göteborgs stad
- FOT-E (Field Operational Test- Feature Extraction from video analysis): Explore new opportunities in the SAFER FOT database, John-Fredrik, Grönvall, Chalmers and Ara Jafarzadeh, Smart Eye
- KNIGHTEC – Your strategic partner in product and service development: Here you can learn how we work with ISO26262 close to product development, and what we have discovered so far, Sanna Ohlson and Sandra Wallgren Ekström, Knightec
- Riding across Europe to collect data and promote micromobility safety. 1900 km, 4 TB of data, and 8 venues in 4 countries, Marco Dozza, Chalmers University
- The SAFER Data Catalogue: Unveiling our network's datasets for research, Erik Svanberg, Svanberg & Svanberg
- Trustworthy AI: Explore the importance of trustworthy AI in traffic safety research, Else-Marie Malmeken, Malmeken AB
- Viscando AB: 3D&AI for safer and more sustainable mobility and autonomy. We provide naturalistic data, analytics and AI models on road user's movements, behaviors, and interactions. Amritpal Singh, Viscando
- What is your influence on the number of fatalities in road traffic: How can your organisation influence road traffic fatalities and injuries? Gain insights, map your influence, and adopt the safe system approach with inspiration from leading organisations in SAFER, Tania Dukic Willstrand, DuWill AB and Anders Kullgren, Folksam
- Driver Interaction with ADAS with Safety Scales: How to assesses traffic safety interaction with diverse drivers, Paul Hemeren, University of Skövde
- Consenz: Learn about Consenz voice AI assisted retrofit Head-up Display and the cooperation opportunity it provides to SAFER partners, Anders Dewoon and Carola Edenhill, Consenz International AB
- DREEM - Designing useR centric E-kickscooters & business models for Enhancing interModality, Cecilia Bergstad, University of Gothenburg and and Érika Martins Silva Ramos, RISE
- eHMI: External interaction principles for creating trust in heavy automated vehicles, Azra Habibovic, Scania
- Enhanced ADAS: Improving drivers' experience, acceptance and trust in assistance systems, Niklas Strand and Daban Rizgary, RISE
- Explore how VR can be used in traffic safety research together with Lund University, Carmelo D'agostino, Carl Johnsson and Hampus Norén, Lund University
- GLAD - Goods delivery under the Last-mile with Autonomous Driving vehicles, could it work?, Mikael Söderman, RISE
- HAVOC: Heavy Automated Vehicle Operation Center, Jonas Andersson, RISE and Azra Habibovic, Scania
- Human Factors, Risks and Optimal Performance in Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility, Oscar Molina and Elena Haller, Halmstad University
- In the hub: Natural interaction between users and driverless vehicles in future transport systems, Azra Habibovic, Scania
- MeBeSafe: Measures for Behaving Safely in Traffic - learn about how nudging principles can be used to enhance traffic safety, Pontus Wallgren, Chalmers University
- PANACEA - Practical and effective tools to monitor and assess commercial drivers’ fitness to drive, Anna Sjörs Dahlman, Anna Anund and My Weidel, VTI
- Remote Driving Operation (REDO) project: Results from Vinnova-funded project on teleoperation of vehicles, Maytheewat Aramrattana, VTI
- Skara Guardian Angel: Utilizing drones for safer, secure, and convenient active mobility, Lei Chen, RISE and Kajsa Nalin, University of Skövde
- Discover ESPLANADE, SALIENCE4CAV and HEADSTART: Research findings for safe introduction of advanced self-driving vehicles, innovating automated systems validation and testing methods for CAVs, Anders Thorsén, RISE
- Exploitation of Research Results in Standardization and Industry: Today we can see that the results from the series of research projects on safety argumentation, starting 2013 with FUSE, have come into standardization and industry products, including a new start-up, Rolf Johansson, Astus
- ROADVIEW - European project about Robust Automated Driving in Extreme Weather, originated from SAFER co-creation, Eren Edal Aksoy, Halmstad University
- SAFER's Competence network for Safety assurance, Fredrik Sandblom, Zenseact
- SAFER's Competence network for System Safety, Charlotta Uddh, RISE and Devansh Mehta, QualSAFE
- SEBRA - SEnsor for Bicycle’s impRoved Awareness, Jonas Andersson, RISE and Tobias Green and Mats Björnerback, Aptiv
- VALU3S - Verification and Validation of Automated Systems’ Safety and Security, Behrooz Sangchoolie, Peter Folkesson, Mateen Malik, RISE
- AfroSAFE: Safe System proved to save many lives in high-income countries - but could it be the game-change for Africa?, Aliaksei Laureshyn, Lund University
- AstaZero - A testbed and research institute for the automated transport system, Timo Kero and Fredrik Åkeson, AstaZero
- Driving global safety initiatives: Explore our engagement in relevant international working groups and forums shaping the global road safety agenda, Ingrid Skogsmo, VTI and Magnus Granström, SAFER
- IGLAD: Explore opportunities for your research through the Initiative for the Global Harmonization of (in-depth) Accident Data, Ines Heinig, SAFER
- I NTF Västs monter sätter vi dina kunskaper inom trafiksäkerhet på prov. Vågar du snurra hjulet? Passa också på att lyssna en stund på vår kunskapspodd Liv och Trafik. Varmt välkomna!, Malin Lundgren and Emelie Hedberg, NTF Väst
- PIONATE: Enabling traffic event searches in large amounts of high-resolution data collected from vehicle fleets, Ola Benderius, Pionate and Christian Berger, Pionate
- REVERE: A Chalmers research lab dedicated to control and automation of road vehicles, sea vessels, and air drones, Fredrik von Corswant, Pionate, Anna Carlsson, Chalmers Industriteknik and Krister Blanch, Chalmers
- SAFER's pre-study program: Discover insights about the success stories of SAFER's pre-study program, Ines Heinig, SAFER
- SITIS - the Sweden-India Transport Innovation and Safety Partnership, Arati Davis, Sweden-India Business Council and Peter Kronberg, Autoliv
- The China Sweden Research Centre for Traffic Safety (CTS): A bilateral program promoting the exchange of technology and knowledge between Sweden and China, Robert Thomson, Chalmers University
- The SAFER doctors: Explore the PhD thesis connected to SAFER - and meet some of the doctors at the mingle
Expect a wealth of knowledge and inspiration! Welcome!