
Panel dialogue: Road safety - an important part of Agenda 2030 – how do we approach the common challenges in practice?

22 September 2022 13:45-14:15
Älvrummet, Lindholmen Science Park, Gothenburg

Road safety - an important part of Agenda 2030 – how do we approach the common challenges in practice?

Road safety is a matter of sustainability, with its own sustainable development target; 3.6. There are many synergies between road safety and other sustainability goals - what if we view road safety as a necessity to achieve other sustainable development goals, for example a more sustainable society, active mobility and improved health? This approach was one of the recommendations at the UN conference on road safety in Stockholm in 2020, to create momentum for traffic safety research by connecting to other actors and add new perspectives. In this panel dialogue SAFER will, together with its partners, discuss ways to strengthen the ties between road safety and other sustainability goals. How can this interaction and collaboration contribute to a more effective Agenda 2030 and a sustainable, more equal world?


  • Magnus Granström, SAFER (moderator)
  • Karin Svensson, Volvo Group
  • Peter Kronberg, Autoliv
  • Hanna Wennberg, Trivector

Welcome to join this panel dialogue!

The event is a part of Lindholmen Open Day!


Malin Levin
malin.levin [at] chalmers.se