

20 August 2024 13:00-15:30
SAFER, Lindholmen Science Park, Lindholmspiren 3A room Demostudion or online (Teams)

Welcome to a project creation workshop – Data for traffic safety research

This spring, we hosted a research day focused on data for traffic safety. We discussed crucial aspects such as usage, accessibility, bias, and ethics, and explored innovative applications of these datasets in research.

During the event, we collected nearly 30 different ideas and needs from participants related to these topics. Thank you for your valuable input! Now, we want to take these ideas forward within the SAFER partnership and invite you to join us for a project creation workshop on the afternoon of August 20. Our goal is to develop several concrete project proposals addressing the identified needs.

The workshop will be shaped by the participants' wishes and needs - and you can pitch your ideas to the community. Here are a few ideas we are excited to explore, based on your feedback so far (you can provide your input in the registration form):

  1. Micro-mobility and person flow data: Micro-mobility dataBikes and e-scooter flowsPerson flow in trafficData for pedestrians, anonymised trajectories of vehicles of different kinds to test out models.
  2. Incident and accident data: Minor incidents on buses, e.g. breaking leading to passengers falling over, Data for minor accidentsNear-miss dataCause of the accidents in general, More data from the "extreme" cases: Having a (full?) coverage of all fatalities in a country, and also MAIS3+ injured ones.
  3. Event Data Recorder (EDR): Also extended, with data around the vehicle.
  4. Driver behaviour data: Data sets with more in depth "knowledge" of driver and occupant postures and motions during driving. Does not necessarily need to include crash data but also critical situation and normal traffic.
  5. Exposure and risk Data: Exposure data so that we can talk about risk from crash dataAggregated data on global level similar to CARE but covering Asian, American, etc. No injury or low severity crashes, edr data, More accurate data on vulnerable road usersData from developing countries.
  6. Data coordination and aggregation services: The coordination of data APIs and aggregation services needs a live broker service. There should be a prototype developed within a SAFER project.
  7. V2X and Infrastructure data: V2X data, Real time information about e.g. damaged bus stops or other road infrastructures that needs quick attention, High resolution map data.
  8. Insurance and standardised data: Available Insurance data, standardized data for all countries.
  9. Trip Data: Data connected to different types of trips.

Registration: Sign up here prior to August 15!

One potential call for these projects is the Vinnova Advanced and Innovative Digitalisation 2024. We can also consider SAFER’s Idea Exploration program, with the next call closing on October 23.

This workshop is open to all SAFER partners, not just those who attended the mini-conference in April. 



Malin Levin
malin.levin [at] chalmers.se