
SAFER seminar: Safety Challenges of Self-Driving Technology

26 September 2024 10:00-15:00
Lindholmen Science Park (Lindholmspiren 3A - floor 2), room Demostudion or Teams

Welcome to join an academic-industry seminar about safe automation in transport and way forward September 26, together with Prof. Phil Koopman from Carnegie Mellon University!

Poster session opportunity and Best Poster Award

Welcome to learn more and meet the researchers!

  • Evaluating and Enhancing Trustworthiness of LLMs in Perception Tasks - Malsha Mahawatta, University of Gothenburg
  • Comparing Optical Flow and Deep Learning for Efficient Traffic Event Detection with Space-Filling Curves - Tayssir Bouraffa, Chalmers University of technology
  • Predicting and Analysing Pedestrian Crossing Behaviour at Unsignalized Crossings - Chi Zhang, University of Gothenburg
  • Digital Twins for Early Verification and Validation of Autonomous Driving Features: Open-source Tools and Standard Formats - Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel, University of Gothenburg
  • LLM-Based Multi-Agent System to Accelerate DevSafeOps for Autonomous Driving, Ali Nouri, Chalmers University of Technology
  • Efficient Exploration for Maneuver Identification in Automotive Data, Cagri Kaya, Chalmers University of Technology
  • SACCADE – Semantic-Aware Compactor for Curating Data Lakes, Pierre Lamart, University of Gothenburg


10:00-10:05 Welcome and introduction to the day

10:05-11:00 Invited Academic Keynote by Professor Koopman, CMU: Understanding Self-Driving Vehicle Safety 

11:05-12:00 Industrial Talk by Oana Robescu, Product Regulation Specialist at Volvo Autonomous Solutions

12:00-13:00 Lunch and networking opportunities

13:00-14:00 Panel dialogue, moderated by Prof. Christian Berger, University of Gothenburg together with the panelists:

  • Prof Philip Koopman, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Oana Robescu, Volvo Autonomous Solutions
  • Peter Janevik, CEO for AstaZero AB
  • Vivetha Natterjee, Senior AD Technical Specialist for Autonomous Driving, Zeekr Technology Europe
  • Prof. Miroslaw Staron, University of Gothenburg

14:00-15:00 Poster session and Swedish fika (coffee break) 

14:30 Best Poster Award ceremony

End of event

Sign up here, prior to September 23: Registration!


Prof Koopman
Prof. Philip Koopman is an internationally recognized expert on Autonomous Vehicle (AV) safety whose work in that area spans over 25 years. He is also actively involved with AV policy and standards as well as more general embedded system design and software quality. His pioneering research work includes software robustness testing and run time monitoring of autonomous systems to identify how they break and how to fix them. He has extensive experience in software safety and software quality across numerous transportation, industrial, and defense application domains including conventional automotive software and hardware systems. He is a faculty member of the Carnegie Mellon University ECE department where he teaches software skills for mission-critical systems. In 2018 he was awarded the highly selective IEEE-SSIT Carl Barus Award for outstanding service in the public interest for his work in promoting automotive computer-based system safety. He originated the UL 4600 standard for autonomous system safety issued in 2020. In 2022 he was named to the National Safety Council's Mobility Safety Advisory Group. In 2023 he was named the International System Safety Society's Educator of the Year. He is the author of the books: Understanding Checksums & Cyclic Redundancy Codes (2024), How Safe is Safe Enough: measuring and predicting autonomous vehicle safety (2022), The UL 4600 Guidebook (2022) and Better Embedded System Software (2010). 

You can read more about our guest Prof. Koopman here.

Oana Robescu
M.Sc. in Communication Engineering at "Politecnico di Torino", has worked with Active Safety and Autonomous Driving functions for the past 12 years. She is currently a Product Regulation Specialist at Volvo Autonomous Solutions, where she handles vehicles' compliance matters for both on-road and confined areas applications.

She has experience with simulation tools for V&V of Active Safety functions and evaluation of sensors' performance. 

She has contributed to several consortia, such as P.E.A.R.S. (Prospective Effectiveness Assessment for Road Safety), MUSE Project, EVADE 2022, and is one of the co-authors of the "Car-to-car accidents at intersections in Europe and identification of Use Cases for the test and assessment of respective active vehicle safety systems" publication presented at the 26th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles.

She has been an active member within the "Stop The Crash" partnership with the TowardsZeroFoundation, and a technical expert within the EuroNCAP AEB/AES working group.

Recently, her focus has shifted towards regulatory compliance of Autonomous Driving vehicles, starting from Level 3 automation, addressing the UN ECE R157, to fully automated vehicles.



Malin Levin
malin.levin [at] chalmers.se