SAFER Workshop on Long-term Impairment Data
Welcome to join a SAFER Workshop on Long-term Impairment Data!
This event will kick-off a series of three planned workshops organized by the SAFER working group “Long-term Impairments from Injuries in Traffic Environment” led by Sara Kallin, Jönköping University.
With this first workshop we will start with understanding what type of data is currently collected and available for research, what are the partners needs and interest in these types of data. We would like to reach out to and connect with people being active in this area, either by doing research, developing products, or collecting data. The main aim of the workshop is to get to know each other, find accessible data, define gaps, and research questions, find collaboration partners, and come up with project ideas.
The agenda is not set in detail, but we plan to have presentation about e.g., STRADA, Insurance Medicine all Sweden (IMAS), Swedish Fracture Register (SFR), Trauma Register, and internal registries of insurance companies IF and Folksam).
Preliminary agenda
12:00-12:45 Networking lunch
12:45-13:00 Introduction, setting the scene
13:00-14:30 Presentations of databases and examples of research
14:30-15:00 Fika
15:00-16:15 Workshop & group discussions
16:15-16:30 Summary
We would like to meet you at SAFER, Lindholmen but online participation is of course possible. Please register your participation (both onsite and online).
We look forward to meeting you, warm welcome!