
Distributed clock synchronization with application of D2D communication without infrastructure

This paper investigates the clock synchronization problem for Device-to-Device (D2D) communication without infrastructure. Employing affine models for local clocks, it is proposed a random broadcast based distributed consensus clock synchronization algorithm. In the absence of transmission delays, we theoretically prove the convergence of the proposed scheme, which is further illustrated by the numerical evaluations. On the other hand, when the delays are also taken into account, the proposed approach still performs well. Besides, it is further concluded from the simulations that the proposed scheme is robust against dynamic topologies and scalable to the increased number of devices, and has a fast speed regarding the synchronization error decrease.

Sun Wanlu, Mohammad Reza, Gholami, Erik G. Ström, Fredrik Brännström
Research area
Systems for accident prevention and AD
Publication type
Conference paper
Published in
2013 IEEE Globecom Workshops, December 2013, Atlanta
Physical Layer Techniques for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications (A19)
Year of publication