
AstaZero Researchers Day with NGTEST Final Event on October 7th

Oct, 07 2014

AstaZero will open for the first of a planned series of "AstaZero Researchers Day". More than 80 researchers from industry and academia have registered to participate. The program for the day includes the final event of the NGTEST project.


NGTEST (Next Generation Test methods) is an FFI financed research project where the partners have developed both methods and equipment that will increase the efficiency in active safety testing, including for example virtual reality and augmented reality testing, miniature laboratory testing and automated full-scale testing on the test track.

Active safety is a field with great need for activities where AstaZero provides an open environment to all research in it, as well as related areas. The unique environment and proximity to the European network gives great opportunities, both for the single researcher and for major European projects and collaborations within the field.

During Researchers Day the participants will be introduced to the results from the NGTEST project both as presentations and actual on-track demonstrations.

"We are very happy to see this enormous interest, it really inspires our work with the next event, planned for spring next year" says Christian Berger, researcher at the Software Engineering division at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and part of the organizing committee.

More about AstaZero:

For further information about this and upcoming Researchers Day-events, contact:

Christian Berger, Software Engineering division, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
christian dot berger at cse dot gu dot se

Jan Jacobson, SP
jan dot jacobson at sp dot se

Peter Janevik, CTO AstaZero
peter dot janevik at astazero dot com

Anna Wrige Berling, Volvo Trucks Accident Research Team