Driver behavior modeling important to eliminate accident in traffic according to papers presented at FAST-zero'15
'Driver Behavior Modeling' was the most common keyword of the papers at the FAST-zero'15 symposium, which took place in Gothenburg on September 9-11 2015. 191 delegates from 13 countries shared knowledge and research results during three days. The hosts SAFER and Chalmers are very satisfied with the event, and so seem the delegates too.
It was the third time the International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology Towards zero traffic accidents (FAST-zero'15) was held, but the first time outside of Japan where it previously has been held in 2011 and 2013.
- SAFER and Chalmers are very proud having hosted the FAST-zero symposium in Gothenburg. We are a part of the ecosystem of traffic safety in Sweden and we are very happy to see so many skilled researchers attending the symposium the first time its being held outside of Japan, says Anna Nilsson-Ehle, director at SAFER.
Exactly the same number of participants came from Japan and Sweden, 64 each. Almost 50 percent represented the academia and just over 40 percent the industry. The rest came from governmental organisations and other institutes.
Besides 'Driver Behavior Modeling', other common keywords in the submitted papers were ‘Vehicle Dynamics Control and autonomous driving’ and ‘Active Safety Testing Methods and Tools’. In total 107 presentations were given.
The technical visits and demos to AstaZero proving ground and Lindholmen Science Park were very appreciated and well-visited. Gothenburg has a very engaging vehicle industry and road safety research is world-class.
FAST-zero’15 had 4 sponsors and 6 exhibitors, which all gained great exposure during the symposium.
All in all, a great week with great atmosphere and great weather!
Next FAST-zero will be take place in Nara, Japan, in 2017.
Proceedings can be downloaded from the website