
Simulator Study Participant Recruitment

Feb, 06 2014

Participants are needed for a SAFER study where Chalmers together with VTI will conduct a driving simulator experiment. The purpose of the study is to assess the performance of the simulator regarding the functionality and design.

The driving simulator experiment will take place in the beginning of March 2014 (Week 10 or Week 11) at VTI Lindholmen. We are looking for altogether 40 people to join in this study to assess the performance of the simulator.

During a short drive, we would video your body postures and collect some measurements (e.g. heart rate). After the drive, you would be given a questionnaire to collect your impression on the simulator.

The study is a part of the DRONT project which is a SAFER project.

Requirements: Aged between 25 and 40, licensed to drive more than 5 years and drive regularly (greater than 10,000 km/year).

Compensation: A cinema ticket.

For more details please read the attached file below.

If interested, please contact Xiaoli Xie, Postdoc Researcher at Product and Production Development, Chalmers

Phone: 031-772 11 37
Email: xxiaoli at chalmers dot se