
Behavioural adaptation in response to driving assistance technologies - A literature review

This book brings together recent work by the project ADAPTATION, to provide a better understanding of drivers’ adaption processes, the effect of technology use, the impact of age and the effects of the system’s performance and the level of automation. It book is based on the research carried out within ADAPTATION, the Marie-Curie co-funded Initial Training Network project which has studied drivers’ behavioural adaptation to new driver information and assistance technologies from an integrative perspective. Driver information and assistance systems have emerged as an integral part of modern road vehicles in order to support the driver while driving. They make use of the newest information technologies in order to enhance driver awareness, safety and comfort, and thereby avoiding driver errors and accidents.

Alan Stevens, Corinne Brusque, Josef Krems
Research area
Systems for accident prevention and AD
Publication type
Published in
Driver adaptation to information and assistance systems. IET published book
ADAPTATION - Drivers' adaptation processes in response to ADAS use
Year of publication