
Collaboration with Japan regarding analysis of real traffic data, a pre-study

SAFER is interested in initiating long term collaboration projects with strong international actors within the field of vehicle and traffic safety. This pre-study consists of a delegation trip to visit research organizations within the Japanese automotive sector. The aim of the visits was to investigate the mutual interest of a future collaboration between SAFER and the host organization. In addition it was to learn more about the Japanese methodology regarding data collection from drive recorders as well as the handling of traffic accident data bases and to promote SAFER as an interesting collaboration partner within the area of vehicle and traffic safety. All of these objectives were fulfilled.Several topics of common interest have been identified during the visit in Japan. The Japanese hosts are invited to SAFER in September to continue the discussions on collaborations. SAFER is now also acting as a connection between Japan and the US regarding three part collaboration on Field Operational Tests and Naturalistic Driving Studies. During the visit three different kinds of commercial drive recorders were purchased. Those are now installed in vehicles associated with SAFER for experimental purposes.

Åsa Valadi
Research area
Safety performance evaluation
Publication type
Project report
Japanese Pre-Study Collaboration regardin Analysis of Traffic Data
Year of publication