
Towards lightweight logging and replay of embedded, distributed systems

Due to their safety critical nature, Cyber-Physical Systems such as collaborative cars or smart grids demand for thorough testing and evaluation. However, debugging such systems during deployment is challenging, due to the concurrent nature of distributed systems and the limited insight that any deployed system offers. In this paper we introduce MILD; providing Minimal Intrusive Logging and Deterministic replay. MILD enables logging of events on deployed Cyber-Physical Systems and the deterministic replay in controlled environments such as system simulators. To illustrate the feasibility and low overhead of our architecture, we evaluate a prototype implementation based on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in this paper.

Salvatore Tomaselli, Olaf Landsiedel
Research area
Systems for Accident Prevention and AD
Publication type
Conference paper
Published in
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Architecting Safety in Collaborative Mobile Systems (ASCoMS 2013), September 2013, Toulouse
KARYON - Kernel-Based ARchitecture for safetY-critical cONtrol (associated project)
Year of publication