Crashworthy and sustainable composite materials will be explored in UTMOST
Circularity of materials is an important measure in our transition towards a sustainable society. For the transport system, this can mean new kinds of vehicle body structures, like material from renewable sources. In turn, this can mean new challenges in the construction so that crash safety, if an accident should occur, continues to be protective for the occupants. Simulation tools are very helpful in this development and in our associated project UTMOST (Modelling of biocomposites in occupant safety analyses), this is in the research agenda.
Biocomposites replace traditional plastics and composites due to their superior environmental potential and often lower weight. Due to their microstructure, current CAE crash analysis tools are not sufficient to explore the wide range of possibilities during material selection, and to accurately predict the behavior of components in crash analyses. The goal of UTMOST is to deliver a methodology for crash analysis, which is predictive and effective for industrial use. The project members will contribute to one of SAFER’s core research targets; support development of competence in the Swedish industry around these crashworthy and sustainable composite materials.
SAFER’s research area Human Body Protection will host the project. UTMOST is funded by Vinnova will continue until the end of 2024. Volvo Cars, Chalmers and Beta CAE are SAFER partners and IAC Group (International Automotive Components) are also participating. Renaud Gutkin, Volvo Cars, is the project leader.