
First call in SAFER’s Idea Exploration program open

Feb, 01 2024

Do you have an idea on how traffic safety can be improved? We have an opportunity to support you through our Idea Exploration program!

To support the development of the project portfolio, the SAFER idea exploration program is an important part of how we facilitate and influence research. In this program, we fund research activities that can bring value back to SAFER’s partners, supporting our vision to contribute to a safe road transport system for all.

Ines, the coordinator for SAFER's Idea Exploration program, explains how the new funding program relates to Stage 5:

“The funding principles remain the same, but with the new name, we aim to emphasise our openness to all kinds of initiatives focused on enhancing traffic safety through knowledge-building, not limited to pre-studies”.

Some examples of possible activities we support:

  • Pre-studies on emerging or entirely new topics and strategic areas.
  • Getting started with strategic knowledge creation that can be leveraged e.g., by using the new competence as a basis for national funding or an entry ticket to prestigious international collaborations.
  • We also welcome proposals that are of a different nature, for instance for finalization of publications from a completed project or investigation of a new area. Simply put, projects that lead SAFER forward and contribute to the continued development of our collaboration platform.

Time plan

  • March 3 Submission Deadline
  • March 14 Scientific Review
  • March 26 Board Decision

You can find more information and submit your idea here.

Welcome with your application!