High SAFER exposure at this year’s edition of IRCOBI
Many SAFER-affiliated researchers were present at this year's IRCOBI, and we had good opportunities to make our joint research visible and communicated to a broad audience.
IRCOBI is an annual international conference on the biomechanics of impacts. This year, the event took place in Porto, Portugal, 14-16 September, 2022. This was the first in-person conference since the pandemic and about 210 international researchers joined, whereof more than 15 from SAFER partners. Approx. 15 presentations/papers with SAFER partners involved, whereof 5 were by SAFER PhD students (in total 107 papers). Two of the students; Emma Larsson, Chalmers University and Alexandros Leledakis, Volvo Cars and Chalmers University, were selected as best presentation at session. Jolyon Carrol, Autoliv and Research area director for SAFER’s research area for Human Body Protection, was also selected as best presentation at session. Congratulations!
The VIRTUAL project was nicely exposed in the exhibition area and also presented during a lunch break.
In summary, a high SAFER exposure through publications, presentations and overall conference contribution.
Link to IRCOBI: International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury › IRCOBI
Link to publications including the session presentation recognition: IRCOBI 2022 Conference