
The latest regarding Vision Zero in Sweden

Jul, 09 2019

SAFER is an active and contributing part in the Swedish Vision Zero network. The network consists of actors from authorities, organisations and companies that all play an important role in, through collaboration, increasing the involvement and responsibility in achieving the Zero Vision and applicable targets in the road safety area. The network is also a channel for spreading up-to-date information on the work being conducted for safe road traffic.

The negative trend in fatalities in road traffic accidents is alarming and it requires even stronger joint forces to reach the government's interim target for fewer fatalities and seriously injured until 2020. Here is a summary of what is going on in the work (links are in Swedish):

Analysis of traffic safety development 2018
Each year, the Swedish Transport Administration, in cooperation with VTI and the Swedish Transport Agency, presents a report that presents and analyzes the road safety development. In 2018, 324 people died in road traffic, which is 72 more than the year before. Here you can read more about the analysis and also download the report "Analysis of traffic safety development 2018":

Action plan for safe road traffic 2019-2022
In the light of road safety developments in recent years, it is of great importance that the relevant authorities and actors show increased commitment and responsibility for safe road traffic. In the autumn 2018, the Swedish Transport Administration began work on developing an action plan for safe road traffic for 2019 - 2022. The plan was completed in April 2019. The action plan describes what 14 different authorities and actors themselves intend to do in the next four years to contribute to a safe road traffic. A total of 111 different measures are reported within three areas; safe speed, sober traffic and safe cycling.
Here you can download the action plan:ör-säker-vägtrafik-20192022

Operational plan 2020
The National Group for Vision Zero in Cooperation in Road Traffic (GNS) has produced a guide for various actors' VP work before 2020. Here, it is described which areas that are most important to invest in for those players who want to contribute to increased road safety. The guidance will be published on the website shortly.

Follow-up of the Action Plan and the Common direction for safe traffic by bicycle and moped
Within several of the projects that the Swedish Transport Administration leads at national level, various actors describe their own ambitions to contribute to safe road traffic. An important task is therefore to follow up these ambitions. Already this autumn, the Swedish Transport Administration will follow up measures and ambitions that are described partly in the Action Plan, and partly in the common direction for safe traffic by bicycle and moped. The action plan will be followed up through bilateral meetings with the 14 players that participated in the preparation of the Action Plan, which are mainly implemented in November and December 2019. The follow-up of the Common direction for safe traffic by bicycle and moped this will take place at a separate follow-up meeting on 4 December 2019. This meeting is for organisations that have signed the direction or left ambitions to contribute.

Web training about Vision Zero
Do you want to know more about the Vision Zero, its safety philosophy and the principles that apply to the design of a safe road transport system? On the website there is a web education that is open to everyone and that does not require any registration. The training takes just under 20 minutes to complete.
This year's Tylösand seminar, 3-4 September
The Tylösand seminar is an annual road safety seminar arranged by MHF since 1957. The seminar is for everyone who is working with road safety issues and it is a meeting place for knowledge acquisition, exchange of experience and dialogue. At the Tylösand seminar, the Swedish Transport Administration will, among other things, tell about the Action Plan for safe road traffic and the analysis of road safety development in 2018. There will also be a dialogue about the work we conducted in cooperation with commercial traffic companies and the crash tests performed on motorhomes. On the MHF's website you will find information about the seminar and how you register.