
New call for Open Research Projects at AstaZero is open now!

Mar, 29 2018

Funding is now available for research projects that want to use the AstaZero proving ground.

Final submission date: April 30th 2018

What do we talk about?
This is a program led by SAFER and funding Open Research at AstaZero by providing FREE access to the world’s first full-scale test environment for future road safety. No industry partner is needed!

What does the program want to achieve?
Stimulate and facilitate open, independent and world-leading research that generates openly available results and data, and an inspiring network between researchers. Open research becoming one of the main pillars of AstaZero by making the unique test environment accessible to researchers from around the world, within the strong research environment found in western Sweden.

What can I apply for?
• Test track time,
• Workshop use,
• Support (e.g. testing engineers, or drivers), and
• Use of equipment.
You need to cover all other project costs.

Who can apply?
Researchers from universities or research institutions as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

We are open-minded and welcome projects from other related scientific disciplines!

Can’t wait to know more?

Open call