
New co-hosts of the International conference on driver distraction and inattention are welcomed

May, 06 2021

We are happy to announce that we have two new co-chairs to SAFER’s conference DDI – the International conference on driver distraction and inattention; Dr Alexandra Fort and Dr Christophe Jallais.

Dr Christophe Jallais and Dr Alexandra Fort are researchers in human factors at the Laboratory of Ergonomics and Cognitive Sciences for Transport (University Gustave Eiffel, ex-IFSTTAR), in Lyon. They both used a neuro-ergonomics approach. Christophe Jallais’ research interests concern principally with the role of degraded attentional states (emotions, cognitive distraction) on decision-making processes, driving performance, risk-taking and the use of automation. He also develops research about the detection and monitoring of degraded attentional states. Alexandra Fort’s current research activity is focused on the impact of cognitive distraction and inattention while driving manual or automatized cars, taking into account the driver’s personality characteristics.

Alexandra and Christophe are commenting of their new roles as co-host to the conference:

“After being involved in the organizing committee for several years, we are excited to continue the DDI adventure as co-chairs. As new co-chairs of DDI, we aim at keeping the family spirit of this conference as it is; high scientific level conference suitable for all the attendees to exchange and discuss results, new topics and new questions about future transportation issues. In the future, we hope to extend the location of the conference, to be hosted not only in Sweden and France, but also in the US”.
Dr Jallais and Dr Fort is replacing Dr Marie-Pierre Bruyas and Dr Corinne Brusque, both also from University Gustave Eiffel. Dr Brusque has involved in the conference since its start in 2009 and Dr Bruyas since 2017. We thank them for all their valuable contributions throughout the years, and welcome Alexandra and Christophe into the core-team of the conference. Dr Jonas Bärgman is SAFER scientific leader of the conference. He is also co-chair of the conference, as well as Prof Michael Regan, representing the University of New South Wales, Australia.

DDI – the primary international event on driver distraction and inattention
The 8th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention (DDI2022), which will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden, October 19-20, 2022. The International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention is the primary international event on this topic, attracting delegates from more than 20 countries. It is designed to bring participants – from academia, industry and government – up-to-date on the developments and trends in the field of inattention and distraction in driving. The conference features keynote speakers, plenary and parallel sessions, poster exhibition and a panel dialogue with various experts, representing various disciplines in this line of research. Networking is also an important part of the conference and we are looking forward to host the most recent and relevant research dialogue together with experts from all around the world to move forward with our common challenge to save lives in traffic.