A new SAFER doctor: Jie Zhu
Jie Zhu today successfully defended her doctoral thesis "Coordination and Analysis of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Freeway On-Ramp Merging Areas".
Jie Zhu is the first doctoral student in Urban Mobility Systems research group at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Chalmers.
Her work has been connected to the SAFER associated project ICV-Safe (https://www.saferresearch.com/projects/icv-safe). The opponent was Prof. Shimul Haque, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, and the supervisors has been Prof. Xiaobo Qu, Chalmers, Assistant Professor Ivana Tasic, Chalmers. You can read more about Jie's research below and find her full thesis there also.
We wish Jie Zhu all the best in her future career!