Pionate - a new associated partner in SAFER
“We are happy to welcome our 47th partner to our research network”, says Magnus Granström, SAFER's director.
Pionate is a small start-up company with strong competence in traffic and vehicle safety, focused on data collection and data analysis. The three co-founders; all very well known within the SAFER platform, Fredrik Von Corswant, Ola Benderius and Christian Berger, are engaged in the company.
Pionate has extensive experience from both academical research and product development in the automotive domain. Research includes, for example, autonomous vehicles, ADAS, driver behavior, vehicle data logging and creation of data sets, computer vision, biomimics, and also the development of related systems architectures and software. Areas of interest are subjects relating to data logging and Advanced Driver Assistance Aystems, but also Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Human Machine Interface, driver interaction and attention, sensors and sensor fusion and much more.
Currently, Pionate is developing software and cloud solutions for logging of large amounts of high-resolution data from large vehicle fleets. Data that can be used for development and evaluation of safety functions in vehicles, and many other things.
The company aims to contribute to SAFER’s activities with input and ideas for on-going and new research as well as in creation of new research projects. Pionate would like to work closely with other SAFER partners with logging vehicle data supporting their research interests. Pionate will also, when possible, provide a data logging platform and share vehicle data.
The research questions Pionate would like to bring to SAFER are for example:
• What vehicle field data is useful for AD/ADAS research and how can it be efficiently retrieved from large vehicle fleets?
• How to define and make generic descriptions of safety-critical events?
• How can data from field test vehicles be enhanced to improve data quality?
Explore more about Pionate here www.pionate.com.