
SAFER announces research funding for pre-studies

Aug, 27 2019

Now it is soon time for the first call for funds for pre-studies, one of the new strategic initiatives in SAFER Stage V. Preliminary, four calls per year will be announced and between 6-8 studies will start the coming year, supporting the development of the joint collaboration research platform.

SAFER's director Magnus Granström looks forward to the initiative:
“Finally!, I say! We know that this initiative has been longed for and now and we are able to get started with this type funding, which is so important for innovative research to become reality”.

Strategic knowledge creation
Pre-studies on emerging or entirely new topics and strategic areas are needed to develop SAFER according to partner’s needs.
“The novelty, and at times uncertainty, of this exploration may be considered too high risk or too creative to fit into established funding programs. Still, the investment in such strategic knowledge creation can be leveraged e.g. by using the unique, new competence as an entry ticket to prestigious international contracts”, says Magnus.
SAFER also aims to provide projects that are of a different nature, such as an accomplished project that requires time to be published in a scientific journal or similar. Simply, all project that leads SAFER forward and contributes to the continued development of the joint collaboration platform will be possible to apply for.

Pre-studies to support SAFER’s overall vision
It is important that the applications are multidisciplinary, that is, that several partners will be active in the work. The pre-studies should proactively stimulate project generation to maximize the benefits of our multi-disciplinary platform and obtain a broad commitment, both between partners and within research areas. Projects should focus on selected areas that help meet SAFER’s overall vision, research objectives and also support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

All research areas and reference groups active in the process
All Research areas and their members will be active in the process and all SAFER partners on level 1 and 2 are welcome to participate in creating project proposals. The first call opens in September and the applications should be sent by October 16. The proposals are processed in the reference groups and it is finally the SAFER Board that decides on which proposals should be granted funds. The total budget per year is preliminary 600 ksek.