
SAFER welcomes two new partners, Asymptotic and Sustainable System of Systems Solution - 4S

May, 25 2020

Sustainable System of Systems Solution - 4S and Asymptotic have just joined SAFER's competence centre to contribute to a sustainable and safe transport system. Both companies hold core competencies for traffic safety research and utilization. In total, SAFER has 36 partners jointly executing the mission to bring people together to create research and knowledge that save lives, prevent injuries and enable safe mobility for people and goods.

Complete AI toolchain
Asymptotic is a cross-industry tech startup focusing on the development and integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied to business. Their mission is to enable reliable AI by offering easily accessible big data analytics with a complete AI toolchain both as a product and as a service. In particular, their focus is on the safety of AI applications by leveraging advanced methods of data quality checking, robustness control, edge case analysis and anomaly detection. Asymptotic aims to discuss and help applying machine learning to research projects in the SAFER consortium and they plan to disseminate and utilize SAFER’s research by bringing knowledge to real-world use.

Strategic methodology for sustainable systems
4S is a consulting company whose expertise is to build safe systems through the SEVS method. The company has its roots in SAFER and works methodically with sustainability as an overall holistic subject, taking both social, global, economic and technical aspects into consideration. Other skills that can contribute to the development of SAFER are knowledge of the Strategic Design Domain (SDD - business domain - SAFER SEVS), Operational Design Domain (ODD) and how to connect SDD concept with ODD concept for very fast continuous development cycles with sustained safeness and quality in complex System of Systems Solutions. Other areas of expertise include Cyber Physical Safety principles and Artificial Intelligence, Neural Processing, Tensor Processors and Machine Learning.

Malin Levin
Malin Levin

Malin Levin, deputy director at SAFER says:
“Both companies possess expertise that is valuable to us in the phase that SAFER is currently in. AI is an area we have just begun to explore to find out how we could benefit from this tool to further sharpen our research. In this strategic work, Asymptotic can certainly contribute with knowledge. 4S’ expertise in thinking in whole systems, rather in road safety as an isolated research area, is also an important asset for us, not least in our ambition to contribute to UN’s global sustainability goals”.
