SAFER’s senior research advisor Ingrid Skogsmo – the new president of ECTRI
We are proud to share that our senior research advisor Ingrid Skogsmo is president-elect of the ECTRI organization for the two coming years. She will follow the chairmanship of Evangelos Bekiaris from the Hellenic Institute of Transport. The election was held during ECTRI’s General Assembly which met in conjunction with the Transport Research Arena (TRA) in Lisbon.
"It is a great honor and I’m grateful for the confidence the ECTRI members have in me leading the organization for the next couple of years. I’m very much looking forward to continuing to develop ECTRI’s position as a well-respected voice for the European transport researchers, and to further stimulate the members’ collaboration in project creation", says Ingrid Skogmo.
The European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI) is an international non-profit association registered under Belgian Law that was founded in April 2003. It is the first attempt to unite the forces of the foremost multimodal transport research centres across Europe and to thereby promote the excellence of European transport research. Today, it includes 28 major transport research institutes or universities from 19 European countries. Together, they account for more than 4,000 European scientific and research staff in the field of transport. ECTRI as the leading European research association for sustainable and multimodal mobility is committed to provide the scientifically based competence, knowledge and advice to move towards a green, safe, efficient, and inclusive transport for people and goods.