
Save the date: Child Occupant Protection seminar September 4, 2019

Apr, 24 2019

SAFER invites to a whole day seminar on the latest research on child occupant protection.

Date: 4 September 2019 08:30–17:00

Place: Lindholmen Conference Centre, Lindholmen Science Park, Lindholmspiren 3, Göteborg, Sweden.

You are welcome to attend the fifth biannual seminar Child Occupant Protection. About fifteen international researchers will share their state-of-art child safety research, discussing future opportunities, with the target to set the future agenda for child occupant protection. We want to create a positive dialogue between all different experts, researchers and users involved in child safety in cars. The focus is on children aged 4-12. The seminar is a part of the SAFER project ”FFI - Assessment of passenger safety in future cars”.

Lotta Jakobsson

Lotta Jakobsson, SAFER’s Research area director for Human body protection comments on the upcoming event:
“We want to reach out to everyone who works with child occupant protection today, this involves researchers in biomechanics and user behavior, those working with safety system development, rulemaking as well as consumer information and interaction etc. In addition, we want to attract those who are focusing on future transportations to join this event providing important input to the future needs”.
