Stimulating road Transport Research in Europe and around the Globe for sustainable Mobility – a new project in SAFER’s portfolio
The new project, STREnGth_M, aims to support SAFER’s activities in ERTRAC, the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council, primarily the Road Safety Working Group.
Magnus Granström, SAFER’s director and engaged in the projects says:
“The consortium will contribute to the planning of research and innovation in Europe by identifying future research needs in the field of road transport, by updating and supporting the coordination of strategic research agendas and roadmaps in the field and by facilitating continuous exchange between road transport research related Horizon Europe partnerships and platforms”.
The project will further analyse research, innovation and cooperation capacities in Member States, explore funding instruments on national and regional level and assess potentials of national and regional roadmaps. The partners will also identify barriers that may exist for the deployment of research results on European and on international level and they will identify education and training actions to contribute to capacity building.
In order to inform and engage the vast stakeholder community, policy makers, the civil society and more, the consortium will develop elaborate dissemination strategies, support the dissemination and organisation of European and international road transport research related events. This way the dissemination of the contribution from road transport to the realization of the European Green Deal targets and the Paris Agreement can be ensured. Via the establishment of the so-called Multiplier Group the engagement of the various stakeholders will be facilitated throughout the project.
The SAFER partners engaged in this project are Chalmers Industriteknik and Volvo Group. The project will continue until August 2025 and the overall project budget in 2 MEUR, whereof 130 kEUR to the Swedish partners.