Summer greetings from SAFER!
Dear SAFER Partners,
This text area is far too short to include all positive activities within SAFER during the spring, but I would like to share a few highlights!
First, we can finally meet again after the pandemic, and the added value in physical meetings becomes so obvious; the increased creativity and the opportunity to add perspectives and get to know each other even more are just a few of them. Having said that, we also clearly acknowledge the value in the digital formats, allowing for a wide engagement that has grown immensely during the pandemic.
We are very pleased with the great commitment to start creating our joint future research agenda for SAFER’s next stage, which starts in January 2024. The engagement within our reference groups is strong and we have collected input about common challenges to the joint research agenda as well as how SAFER could become even more attractive as a collaboration platform. We are looking forward to a continued dialogue with you in the co-creation of our next research agenda.
The fact that traffic safety is increasingly becoming established as a part of the global sustainability agenda is also encouraging to see. Agenda 2030 and the recommendations from the UN conference in Stockholm in 2020 are now being used in society and many of our partners are sharing their strategies on how to become sustainable. I am proud of the steps we together have taken in this direction after the global ministerial conference!
Another highlight was during our annual partner meeting in March, when we had invited actors in our ecosystem to share their views on how we contribute to various contexts. Linda Svanhed at Vinnova stated "SAFER is everywhere"; I think that is a good description of our development, not only in Sweden, but also on the international arena, and mission to bring people together to create research and knowledge that save lives in traffic.
During the spring, we have also continued with thought-provoking seminars, project presentations, project applications, new grants and dissertations. It is impressive and gratifying to see all the research that is taking place within the broad community of SAFER.
I also would like to take the opportunity to give you a recommendation for the hammock this summer: Liv och Trafikpodden, a knowledge podcast about road safety - take the opportunity to learn more about road safety this summer (see link below)!
A well-deserved summer holiday is finally approaching, and we would like to thank you all for your great commitment and engagement during this half-year. I wish you a great summer and I am looking forward to see you again the autumn!
Kind regards,
Magnus Granström, SAFER’s director