Welcome to SAFER’s Thursday lunch seminars during the autumn – physically or online!
The schedule for our Thursday lunch seminars during the autumn 2022 is now set and we are looking forward to seeing you back physically at the SAFER office, and online.
The main objectives with the seminars are to share knowledge about our research and other topics related to saving lives in traffic. We aim for inspiration to create new projects and boost dialogue and collaboration in our network.
We are happy to announce that we would like to take the opportunity to try out a new concept together with you to make the seminars even more attractive. We will test to work even more thematic, involving one or two speakers around a specific topic for each session and also allowing for a longer discussion after the talks. We will transfer the webinars to hybrid events, inviting you also for a networking lunch at SAFER before the seminar for those of you who join us at the office. And you will still be able to connect online if you prefer. We have also changed the time; the seminars will now be 45 minutes and takes place Thursdays between 12.15-13.00.
This term the seminars are hosted by selected research area directors and some SAFER partners. Amongst other topics of interest, you´ll find results from our ongoing SAFER pre-studies, an update regarding the upcoming Euro-NCAP protocol and strategy ahead, as well as an introduction to the new, recently granted projects, within Horizon Europe. Also, Carol Flannagan from UMTRI will give us an update about traffic safety research trends in the US.
SAFER researchers that are included in our contact list will get personal invitations to the seminars. If you are a SAFER partner but not currently active in the network and would like to join the community, please contact Mikael von Redlich (redlich@chalmers.se) to be added to the invitation list.
Don't miss the opportunity to learn and network, a warm welcome to our seminar series, beginning September 1st!
Our preliminary schedule
w35 Traffic safety footprint and results from the FIA Road safety Index pre-study
w36 Results from SAFER Pre-studies: Embodied recognition + OpenBike
w37 SAFER Partner: Veoneer
w38 No webinar: Lindholmen Open Day
w39 Safety performance evaluation (topic to be set)
w40 ISO TS 5083
w41 Traffic Safety research trends in the US with Carol Flannagan
w42 Horizon Europe projects: SUNRISE + FAME
w43 Road user behaviour: Alcohol and Driving
w44 Autumn break, no seminar
w45 Results from SAFER Pre-studies: Trustworthy AI and Synthetic Scenarios
w46 EuroNCAP – strategy, ongoing activities and research needs
w47 TBD
w48 TBD
w49 TBD