
Alexander Eriksson new competence area leader in Driving simulator applications

Dec, 01 2017

SAFER’s competence area leader in the field of driving simulator applications is changed; Alexander Eriksson from VTI is replacing Lena Nilsson as of December 1, 2017.

Alexander Eriksson received his MSc degree in Cognitive Science from Linköping University in 2014, and his PhD degree from the University of Southampton, in the U.K. as part of the HF-Auto project, in 2017. During his time at Southampton University he studies how drivers resume control from an automated vehicle in non-critical situations, and how this process can be aided through HMI. During his PhD he also managed the Southampton university driving simulator and developed a number of open source software tools for the STISIM driving simulator platform that are currently in use in both industry and academia. His research interest lies in Human Factors in Transport. He is currently a researcher in the Driver Vehicle research group at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) in Gothenburg, Sweden where he primarily studies human-automation interaction.
SAFER welcomes Alexander to his position at the competence centre.
