

1 September 2023-31 August 2024
Project manager
Anna Sjörs Dahlman

Full title: Detection of sudden cardiovascular sickness in drivers, a feasibility study

This project is a follow-up of SAFER pre-study SynCOPE.

A significant proportion of deaths (>10%) that occur on Swedish roads are due to sudden illness of the driver. The majority of road death caused by medical conditions are due to cardiovascular disease. Being able to detect and handle those events could save many lives on our roads. The main purpose of this project is to investigate the feasibility to use in-vehicle measurements of heart rate and electrocardiogram to detect sudden cardiovascular illness onset in drivers, such as heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest. The project will evaluate and further develop existing AI/ML algorithms developed for 12-lead ECG so that they work to detect sudden CVD in single-lead ECG and/or heart rate measurements. The project will also evaluate the influence of measurement noise and disturbances and compare different strategies for filtering out noise. Through the project we will acquire knowledge about whether it is possible to accurately record cardiac related vital parameters in vehicles and how to utilize them for detecting critical cardiovascular conditions.


Short facts

Research area
Road user behaviour
Chalmers University of Technology
Project type
SAFER connected project