

1 July 2022-30 June 2025
Project manager
John-Fredrik Grönvall

The Framework for coordination of Automated Mobility in Europe (FAME) aims to establish a European framework for testing on public roads, enable evaluations with common methodology, engage an active community of stakeholders across the complex cross-sectoral value chain, and capitalize on shared knowledge, to improve cooperation, consensus building and data sharing for CCAM testing and large-scale demonstration activities in Europe.

The development of the FESTA handbook starting in 2007 was the starting point for a systematic approach for testing vehicle functions on public roads in Europe, then followed by the Data Sharing Framework. FAME continues this work by including components of legal and ethical approvals, a common evaluation methodology to ensure comparable high level analysis results, and a data exchange platform. All these components as part of one framework will have a positive effect on the rapid development of CCAM in Europe.

It can be quite cumbersome to compare the analysis results from different projects, albeit covering the same research area. FAME addresses this by developing a common evaluation methodology. The methodology will set recommendations for the high level analysis (e.g. impact assessment and cost benefit analysis) with the ambition of transparent research results.

Data from tests on public road will become ever more important for development, validation, and analysis of the effects of CCAM applications. Chalmers is leading the work package establishing a data platform built on the common principles of GAIA-X and federated data exchange. The ambition is to have European and national CCAM projects sharing data using this platform, during the project lifetime and after. The standard for federated data sharing is something EU commits to and invests heavily in. By using the CCAM test data space early on in the development, future applications will be easier to adapt to data spaces for production purpose.

The project is also coordinating the Connected and Automated Driving conference (the next one takes place in May 2023) as well as maintaining the CAD knowledgebase at

ERTICO and SAFER partners Chalmers and Volvo technology are among the 23 participating organizations.


Short facts

Research area
EU Horizon Europe
Chalmers University of Technology
Volvo Group
Other EU partners
Project type