

1 October 2023-31 December 2025
Project manager
Yinan Yu

Full title: No AI About Us Without Us: Enhancing Safety for Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) with Reduced Mobility

Abstract: This project is focused on improving the safety and understanding of Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) with reduced mobility across various traffic environments. Our research will provide analysis of their motion patterns and the safety challenges they face in different settings - both in terms of external threats and perceived danger. Additionally, we will collect and compile an open-source dataset with a research vehicle SnowFox (equipped with advanced sensors) at Chalmers’ REVERE lab.  The goal of this initiative is to enable the development of automated road monitoring and active safety systems to improve road safety for all.

Traffic safety benefit: This project will enhance traffic safety by providing critical data and insights into the unique challenges faced by Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) with reduced mobility.

Key words: Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), Reduced Mobility, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Tracking Systems, Bias in AI, Disability Research, Ethics, Data Management, Sociotechnical, Intersectional Research

Short facts

Research area
Road user behaviour
Chalmers University of Technology
Chalmers Industriteknik
University of Gothenburg
Project type
SAFER connected project