
OPTIVE - Optimized System Integration for Safe Interaction in Vehicles

1 January 2005-1 January 2009
Project manager
Patrik Palo

The introduction of new warning and information systems in vehicles places high demands on the interaction between the driver and the vehicle (HMI, Human Machine Interaction). In today’s traffic environment, situations often occur where the driver’s cognitive resources, for various reasons, are heavily taxed. To avoid cognitive overload in such situations, an optimized integration of the systems mentioned above is necessary. For example, the introduction of a module that identifies abnormal conditions in the driver or environment can improve driving safety. This vertical project will develop methods and concepts for a cost-efficient and safety-enhancing integration of HMI systems in vehicles.

Short facts

Research area
Systems for Accident Prevention and AD

Volvo Car Corporation, Luleå University of Technology, Chalmers, IT University of Gothenburg

Project type