
Prehospital transportation decisions for patients sustaining major trauma in road traffic crashes

1 January 2016–31 December 2017
Project manager
Stefan Candefjord
Ruben Buendia


The objective was to determine if patients sustaining major trauma in road traffic crashes in Sweden were transported to the most appropriate hospital or not for treatment, i.e. if "trauma centers" were utilized as expected. The study was carried out using US trauma center definition as a comparison.

A master thesis by Magdalena Krawczuk and Patrycja Kozajda, Gdansk University of Technology financed by VR (Vetenskaprådet) was follwing and designed to assess proportion and characteristic of patients sustaining major trauma in road traffic crashes who could benefit from direct transportation to TC (Trauma Center) in US and Sweden, and to compare results from the two countries.

Short facts

Research area
Post crash
Chalmers University of Technology
MedTech West
Vetenskapsrådet (VR, Swedish Research Council)
Sahlgrenska Academy
Sahlgrenska Univ. Hospital
Project type
SAFER connected project