
Safe Micromobility

1 January-30 June 2023
Project manager
Marco Dozza

Micromobility is booming and promises to improve mobility and reduce the carbon footprint of transportation; however, today it is so poorly integrated in the transport system that its progress is at stake. Research results on micromobility can favor consensus among stakeholder and promote data-driven solutions to today’s safety issues. The main purpose of this project is to prepare for a larger project that will leverage the collection of naturalistic data across Sweden and Europe to disseminate research results on micromobility. This project will enable 1) data collection of naturalistic data from a novel sensor configuration 2) virtual assessment of frontal collision warning and automated emergency braking activation in overtaking a cyclist, and 3) dissemination of (new) research results on micromobility safety to many people and stakeholders. All these activities will support the SAFER vision for all road users to travel safely in the road transport system.

Short facts

Research area
Road user behaviour
SAFER Pre-Studies Phase 5
Chalmers University of Technology
Gothenburg City
NTF Väst
Project type
SAFER Pre-study