

1 March 2019–31 August 2021
Project manager
Azra Habibovic

Scale-up: Crowdsourcing for scaling up evaluation of external interfaces on automated vehicles

External interfaces are expected to facilitate safer interactions between automated vehicles (AVs) and other road users. These interfaces are in an early design stage and are, at the best, evaluated using only a limited number of participants. This leaves the question of their generalizability open. The aim of this study is to explore the potential of online crowdsourcing for evaluation of external AV interfaces in an early design stage. The objective is to design and conduct a study using online crowdsourcing MTurk and assess its validity as compared to a traditional controlled study.

The expected results are knowledge on validity of crowdsourcing and how it can be used in a future larger study. This will strengthen our world-leading position in the field, and support product development and standardization work. The pre-study is thereby addressing the overarching objectives of FFI regarding the Swedish international competitiveness.

Short facts

Research area
Road user behaviour
Volvo Cars
Project type
SAFER connected project