

1 May 2022-31 December 2024
Project manager
Renaud Gutkin

Modelling of biocomposites in occupant safety analyses

Biocomposites replace traditional plastics and composites due to their superior environmental potential and often lower weight. Due to their microstructure, current CAE crash analysis tools are not sufficient to explore the wide range of possibilities during material selection, and to accurately predict the behavior of components in crash analyzes. The goal is to deliver a methodology for crash analysis, which is predictive and effective for industrial use.

We will develop a leading competence in the Swedish industry for crashworthy and sustainable composite materials. The results of the project will serve as a model for other industries on how biocomposites can be used in critical applications.

The project has a duration of 30 months starting 1 May 2022. We will collaborate between Volvo Cars and IAC as industries, BETA CAE as a program provider and Chalmers University as a university. The project is based on high resolution scan of microstructures on different types of biocomposites and physical testing of material properties. Numerical models will then be developed and correlated.


Short facts

Research area
Human body protection
Volvo Cars
Chalmers University of Technology
IAC Group (International Automotive Components)
Project type
SAFER connected project