SAFER Webinar: Collision matrix as a traffic safety tool
SAFER invites you to a digital seminar focusing on the collision matrix and the collaborative project, "Collision Matrix for Heavy Goods Vehicles Worldwide," conducted in partnership with AB Volvo, DuWill, SCANIA, the Swedish Transport Agency, and the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI).
Traditional global road safety statistics typically report fatalities by major road user groups, such as vehicle occupants, pedestrians, and power-two wheelers (PTW). Since 2018, the EU has developed a matrix that identifies the number of fatalities for each road user type in collisions involving other main vehicle categories. This project expands on that concept by examining heavy goods vehicle markets worldwide and assessing the feasibility of building a similar matrix.
The seminar will provide insights into the EU's approach to collision matrices and present the findings from this project, including perspectives from the heavy goods vehicle industry and Argentina, one of the countries studied. Additionally, contributions from the IRTAD Secretary and the Regional Traffic Safety Forum will offer valuable insights on advancing road safety.
This project has been funded by the SAFER Idea Exploration Program. The webinar is open for all interested in this topic. You do not have to sign up for this event, it is just to connect to the link here.
14:00-14:05 Welcome and introduction to this SAFER initiative, Magnus Granström, SAFER's director
14:05-14:10 The EU collision matrix, Peter Whitten, Policy officer, The European Commission
14:10-14:25 Project presentation, Tania Dukic Willstrand, Project leader, DuWill AB
14:25-14:40 The industry perspective, Kristian Holmqvist, Traffic safety researcher, Volvo Group Trucks Technology
14:40-14:50 Example from Argentina, Mercedes Lavezzolo, Director of Road Statistics
14:50-15:00 What’s next - Global Actor IRTAD initiative to publish a matrix in the future ITF/IRTAD Veronique Feypell, International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD)
15:00-15:10 What’s next - Global Actor WHO/Regional Road observatory reflections on the work, Maria Segui Gomez, WHO
15:10-15:15 End discussion and closing
The webinar will be moderated by Tania Dukic Willstrand, DuWill AB.