SAFER contributed with knowledge at Transportforum
SAFER participated in this year’s edition of Transportforum in Linköping, June 16-17 - the largest annual conference on transport in Sweden. The event brings together the Swedish transport and mobility community and SAFER hosted a workshop about traffic safety footprint as well as a session focusing on unprotected road users.
This year's edition of Transportforum was well attended and approximately 1,100 participants visited the important meeting. For two days, the Swedish elite in transport research gathered in Linköping to share and discuss the latest findings. This year's theme was climate adaptation and Sweden's Minister of Infrastructure, Tomas Eneroth, presented the country's largest investment in infrastructure in history and the climate challenges we are now mobilizing for.
SAFER was present at the event to share knowledge, discuss research and plan for future activities to help support the quest for implementation of a safe and sustainable mobility system.
Traffic safety footprint – a tool to achieve a sustainable transport system
There were many people that came to learn and discuss the opportunities of using road safety footprint as a tool for a more systematic and sustainable road safety work in a workshop that SAFER arranged. In the workshop, we wanted to inspire and create dialogue about opportunities to measure and report road safety footprint; how could you do that in a systematic way, what parameters would be valuable to follow up, which difficulties are there in tackling this challenging task and what can be learned from other areas that already today take a methodological follow-up approach of their sustainability aspects?
Claes Tingvall presented the basic principles for road safety footprint and we learnt from municipalities', companies' and authorities' experiences of starting to measure their footprints. In smaller groups, we reflected together with SAFER’s researchers on how to start the journey; which road safety indicators could be suitable to follow up, how could you measure and what roles within the organization could contribute to success?
How to protect vulnerable road users
SAFER also hosted a session “From unprotected to protected road users”. The following SAFER connected researchers presented their work and dialogue:
• A rising priority - cyclist to cyclist crashes, Jolyon Carroll
• Varför inträffar en cykelolycka, Per Henriksson
• URBANIST: Signals for increased visibility and safety for cyclists, Paul Hemeren
• Involvement of unprotected road users in accidents and their injuries, Jenny Eriksson
• Trams, BRT and traffic safety for unprotected road users, Frida Odbacke
The presentations from SAFER’s activities are available below.